Saturday, December 26, 2020

Route recognition vs coverage alignments

Simple, but important to make your practices more efficient. What routes are you likely to see vs specific coverages and cornerback alignments. Coach Narduzzi breaking down what you see most in a corner press alignment. Conversely, this also helps an offense in self-scouting. Find the entire video, and over 450 other football coaching videos at: Spread Offense TV

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Securing B-Gap (Choke) on Guard Pulls

Here Coach Scanlon (St. Edward High School, Ohio) explains the Offensive Tackle 'Choke' technique to secure the B-Gap when the Guard pulls on plays such as Power, Long Trap, QB Power Read, and Guard/H-back Counter. #spreadoffense

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Stick Draw RPO (Combo Stick 68) Air Raid

Neal Brown, West Virginia University Head Football Coach detailing the 'Stick Draw' RPO, a widely used Air Raid concept while an assistant coach at Texas Tech University. For the entire video, and over 450 other coaching videos, go to: http://RPO.Football
