The 25 second clock, that was once reset after officials marked the ball, is now a secondary player. This year, a 40 second clock starts immediately at the end of every play. Only for reasons such as a penalty, time-out, or measurement will an offense receive a full 25 seconds from the spot of the ball.
This could be tough on offenses that rotate personnel often into the game, and it could have a big impact on a team huddling prior to coming to the line of scrimmage.
Chalk one up for the no-huddle spread offense teams out there in college football, you're ahead of the game and this important rule change.
Check out an article on this subject by Ivan Maisel of ESPN.com below:
Go to: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/preview08/columns/story?columnist=maisel_ivan&id=3524989