Sunday, November 7, 2021

📽️ RPO: Outside Zone Stretch | TE freeze glance

Nice RPO design off stretch run. The inline nub TE delays prior to running the glance route for a touchdown. #spreadoffense

RB Swing Sweep - 3x1 tight bunch

This is a nice design on a RB Swing route out of 3x1 tight bunch that turns into a extended sweep with designed blocking on the perimeter by the receivers. #spreadoffense

Yankee Concept - one high - man free beater: Double Posts with Deep Cross

Man free beater pass concept, some refer to this as the Yankee concept. Clear the field side with the twin receivers running double 8 routes, run the reduced X receiver on a deep crossing route. #spreadoffense

Tackle Wrap | Dart v. Tite front

The tackle Wrap or Dart scheme is a nice alternative to the traditional Guard pull schemes vs. a Tite front (4i-0-4i). The blocking angles or seal blocks on the 4i's are more favorable. #spreadoffense