Showing posts with label defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label defense. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2021

3-3-5 Defense Base Alignment

Coach Jeff Casteel discussing base alignment and positions in the 3-3-5 defense vs a Pro (2x1) formation.

See the entire video, and over 450 coaches clinic videos at: Spread Offense TV


Saturday, February 6, 2021

Fire Zone (Star Blitz) Package from the field

Coach Eli Rasheed talking Snake defense (bringing the *Star from the field) and the D-line alignments and movements associated with this blitz package.

Find this entire coaches clinic video at: Spread Offense TV


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Don Brown Coaching LB Reacting to Blocks in Pressures

Coach Don Brown drilling LB's in practice on reading the block in pressure (blitz) situations, bending on the down block and fill and shimmy on a reach or slide. #spreadoffense

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Route recognition vs coverage alignments

Simple, but important to make your practices more efficient. What routes are you likely to see vs specific coverages and cornerback alignments. Coach Narduzzi breaking down what you see most in a corner press alignment. Conversely, this also helps an offense in self-scouting. Find the entire video, and over 450 other football coaching videos at: Spread Offense TV